Mechanical Engineering
Weir Hall is the 首页 of NMT MechEs
The NMT Mechanical Engineering Design Clinic end of year poster session will happen as part of the Student 研究 Symposium Thursday April 20th 3-5pm at the NMT Library.
Watch Student Project Teaser Videos

Located on the second floor of the Skeen图书馆, the VR/AR Drone room is equipped with multiple levels of innovative technology meant to enhance the learning and research experience of all students.

Best Accredited Colleges recently ranked NMT No. 2 on the list of Best Mechanical Engineering Bachelor's Degree Programs.

Dr. Ostergren突然 provided information during a virtual interview, reflecting on his time 在部门里.

Mechanical Engineering M.S. Program Ranked #2 in Best Masters Programs in 2021

机甲工程系. will be holding a robot combat competition that will take place multiple times each year, click here for more information
The Mechanical Engineering Bachelor Degree is accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET, www.教唆.org.
部门. Accreditation Information 大学. Accreditation Information
We invite you to arrange a one-on-one virtual admission visit, or email a Mechanical Engineering 教师 Advisor.
Capstone Jr/Sr Design Clinic Series
Our program and student success is driven by the two-year design clinic program which offers students the opportunity to work on real-world engineering problems with projects sponsored by industries, government agencies, and national laboratories. 设计 projects span a wide range of interests and topics including robotics, auto-mechanics, prosthetics, and aerospace engineering.
Our ME faculty specialize in subject areas including Design, Fluids, Solid Mechanics, Controls, and Energetics. 教师 conduct state of the art research in their respective specialization, which translates to the classroom as application driven coursework.
Our department appreciates and values continued interactions with our alumni and friends. If you want to visit us, please feel free to contact the department staff to schedule 旅游或参观. Also if you would like to donate to the department you can do 所以在这里: Donate to Mechanical Engineering