信息技术 (IT) is an evolving interdisciplinary subject that has been driven 和 shaped by the rapid development of computing, communication, 和 互联网‐related technologies 和 their tremendous impact on our daily lives. In contrast to the more traditional Information Systems 纪律, 信息技术 deals with the development, utilization, interrelation, 和 confluence of computers, networking, telecommunication, business, 和 technology management in the context of the global 互联网. As we enter the Information Age of the 21st century, society will be increasingly dependent on 信息技术 和 dem和 for IT professionals will remain high throughout the decades to come.
BS in 信息技术
The Bachelor of Science in 信息技术 program at ag亚游集团App下载 is administered 由 计算机科学 和 管理 项目 计算机科学 & 工程 部门.
The curriculum includes relevant computer science, management, 和 engineering courses 和 emphasizes secure information systems 和 information assurance that are among the areas of research at Tech’s Institute for Complex Additive Systems Analysis (ICASA) where IT students may find employment or internship opportunities.
Students must also take a sequence of 12 hours of technical electives to broaden or deepen their knowledge in an IT area of their interest.